Saturday, August 21, 2010


Some people avoid spoilers, some see them and get angry .... and I go searching for them :P It's weird but I like knowing how a book will end before I start to read it. Sometimes the ending puts me off a book but if it is an author I really like I will still read a bad ending. It just makes me wait until I am in the right mindset for it. An example would be: the Shifters series by Rachel Vincent. I have had the chance to read Shift plenty of times but I figured I might as well wait for the last novel to see if I like the ending. But then I bought Shift and I am almost through with it. I guess I'm in the mood for it.

True fact: The only book I can remember not reading the ending was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I also ignored all the spoilers.

So why am I writing a post on spoilers today? Well, some people are angry because a blogger posted a review of Mockingjay with spoilers 2 whole days before it is released. I'm kind of sad she took down her spoilers. I want to know who Katniss ends up with. But I can understand people not wanting spoilers shown. If I had accidently seen what happened in the last Harry Potter I would have been pretty bummed. So, the next few days you will find me reading the ending and searching for spoilers of Mockingjay. :D

1 comment:

  1. I still do not understand why you read the ending i still remember you telling me you like to read the ending first. o.O
