Sunday, August 29, 2010

All I Ever Wanted - Kristan Higgins

Title: All I Ever Wanted
Author: Kristan Higgins
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: July 27, 2010
Rating: Adult
Received: NetGalley

One happily-ever-after rocking chair…

And no sign of any forthcoming babies to rock in ol’ Georgebury, Vermont. For Callie Grey, turning thirty means coming to grips with the fact that her boss (and five-week fling) is way overdue in his marriage proposal. And way off track, because Mark has suddenly announced his engagement to the company’s new Miss Perfect. If that isn’t bad enough, her mom decides to throw her a 3-0 birthday bash in the family funeral home.
Bad goes to worse when she stirs up a relationship with the town’s most eligible — yet not so warm and fuzzy — veterinarian, Ian McFarland, in order to flag Mark’s attention. So Ian’s more comfortable with animals… So he’s formal, orderly and just a bit tense. The ever-friendly, fun-loving and spontaneous Callie decides it’s time for Ian to get a personality makeover. But, dang — if he doesn’t shock the heck out of her, she might actually fall for Vermont’s unlikeliest eligible bachelor… (summary from
A story of redemption. New love. Also a lot of dogs.

... And just what I needed.

Why did I need it? Why did it work for me? Well, I've just moved to a new place. I'm not used to it. I'm starting school soon and that is making me nervous. The fact is I got so wrapped up in this story that I forgot my worries; it took hours away from anxiousness and boredom. And isn't that we all look for in a story? This one, it definitely kept me enthralled.

My favorite thing about All I Ever Wanted was how it made me laugh and cry. I cry in movies, real life etc. but for some reason it takes a lot to make me cry in a novel. Callie was a delightful heroine. Her inner dialogue made me laugh. Why hello Michelle Obama! She was very optimistic which I personally can't always attest to but it worked for her. Ian was also a great character. I loved when he smiled and laughed because it didn't happen too often. He was so usually shy and closed off. I find myself more like him. I know how hard it is to speak up sometimes.

While there is the main character's story arc happening Callie's parents are going through their own problems. Twenty-two years ago they divorced over Toby's infidelity. Now they seem to be on the road to forgiveness. This topic can have so many opinions and sides and they are brought up in this novel. Can you forgive someone who has cheated on you? Should you? And the most important one, can you still love them? Infidelity is always going to happen (yes, so bleak) and I enjoyed getting both sides of it in this story. My one gripe about the novel was I wish I had seen more of this relationship even though they weren't the main characters.

Overall, I loved this. I've heard good things about Kristan Higgins and will be looking at her backlist. If you need to escape, are bored, need a laugh, whatever it is I recommend trying All I Ever Wanted. I hope you enjoy it if you do!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Some people avoid spoilers, some see them and get angry .... and I go searching for them :P It's weird but I like knowing how a book will end before I start to read it. Sometimes the ending puts me off a book but if it is an author I really like I will still read a bad ending. It just makes me wait until I am in the right mindset for it. An example would be: the Shifters series by Rachel Vincent. I have had the chance to read Shift plenty of times but I figured I might as well wait for the last novel to see if I like the ending. But then I bought Shift and I am almost through with it. I guess I'm in the mood for it.

True fact: The only book I can remember not reading the ending was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I also ignored all the spoilers.

So why am I writing a post on spoilers today? Well, some people are angry because a blogger posted a review of Mockingjay with spoilers 2 whole days before it is released. I'm kind of sad she took down her spoilers. I want to know who Katniss ends up with. But I can understand people not wanting spoilers shown. If I had accidently seen what happened in the last Harry Potter I would have been pretty bummed. So, the next few days you will find me reading the ending and searching for spoilers of Mockingjay. :D